Lake Drawdown
Central Arkansas Water
As a proactive effort, CAW began a winter lake drawdown on November 1st, 2022, to combat the areas of hydrilla which is an aquatic invasive species that has expanded rapidly in Lake Maumelle over the past 4 years. This drawdown will take the lake about 10 feet below the spillway, which is only about six feet more than the current level as of November 1st. This will be a longer, slower drawdown than what would be typical to allow flexibility for any rain events and would have the lake at its wintertime level at the end of December. We expect the average drop to be about an inch a day. This drawdown will expose hydrilla to the winter elements, aiding in its remediation. This is a typical process among lakes in Arkansas, with many scheduling drawdowns annually. CAW last implemented a drawdown of Lake Maumelle in 2010. We plan to keep the lake at this level though February and anticipate the lake to refill with the Spring rains in March, April, and May as it did in 2011.
Lake users can follow real-time progress by visiting:
The draw down will continue until the gauge reads approximately 80’. At that time, we will control levels to remain at that elevation. There are no current plans to take the lake to a lower level.